Discover and Contribute to Our Rich Genealogy!


Halito! Welcome to our Community. We invite both members and non-members of the Washitom Nation to join us in preserving and expanding our collective knowledge of our ancestral heritage. Our Web Property serves as a hub for showcasing the vibrant history and cultural significance of the Washington and Tomlin people of Randolph County, Missouri. We believe that every contribution, big or small, can contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of our lineage.

If you possess any valid records related to the Washitom genealogy, we enthusiastically encourage you to share them with us. These records can include vital documents, such as birth certificates, marriage licenses, and census records, that establish familial connections and trace our roots. Additionally, we welcome personal memorabilia, such as photographs, newspaper clippings, and audio or video recordings, that capture special moments and narratives from the Washitom Nation’s history.

By submitting your records for inclusion on our web property, you play a vital role in building an extensive and accurate archive. Your contributions will not only help us honor our ancestors but also enable future generations to learn and connect with their heritage.

We deeply appreciate your willingness to share your valuable records and help us expand our understanding of the Washitom genealogy. Your contribution will make a lasting impact on our community and future generations.

Together, let us celebrate and honor our ancestral legacy through the remarkable stories and artifacts that define the Washitom Nation Tribe of North America.

To submit your records, please follow the simple steps below:

Gather your documents or media files: STEP 1
Organize any relevant records, photos, clippings, or recordings that highlight the Washitom heritage.
Complete the submission form:  STEP 2
Open your email client and submit what you have to Ensure that you provide accurate details and any context or stories associated with your submission.
Upload your files: STEP 3
Attach your digital files to the email you are submitting. If you have physical records that cannot be digitized, please contact us for alternative arrangements.
Review and verification: STEP 4
Our team will carefully review your submission to ensure its authenticity and appropriateness for inclusion. In some cases, we may reach out to you for further information or clarification.
Acknowledgment and gratitude: STEP 5
Once your submission is accepted and processed, we will acknowledge your contribution on our web property. Your name, if you wish, will be recognized alongside the record as a testament to your involvement in preserving our heritage.

Submit content via your email for  Site Inclusion.


Call us to discuss what you wish to submit.


Search Relatives
Search living relatives who are verified by the Washitom Nation.
Search Ancestors
Search Ancestors who were verified by the Washitom Nation.
Search Obituaries
Search the Washitom Nation's Memorial for obituaries of our Ancestors.
Search Census Records
Search U.S Federal Census Records found regarding our Relatives and Ancestors.
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